This merger has no impact on the activities, liabilities and obligations of Aquapipe PLC, which are completely taken over by Evodis.
We will be at your disposal at any time for further information. You can contact us via or visit the website
Pipelines for the transport
of drinking water, industrial water and wastewater
AQUAPIPE has been a reliable supplier of steel pipes for the water industry since 1991. Whether for network operators, planning agencies, pipeline builders or other market partners – you will always receive comprehensive advice from us with the aim of achieving the greatest possible safety and economic efficiency in the construction of pipelines.
AQUAPIPE distributor of Mannesmann Line Pipe with more than 130 years of experience and an increasingly modern, technically optimised production of HFI-welded steel pipe. The variety of steel grades, pipe lengths and wall thicknesses, the different versions of coatings and, above all, a multitude of jointing technologies, provide a product that is optimised for the respective field of application.
Water pipes
Our field of expertise

4651 Battice
+32 (0)87 59 06 80